If you’re anything like our family, there always seems to be more stuff coming into your house than going out. With two young kids, that “stuff” often comes in the form of toys. One solution to tackling the inevitable cluttered playroom, bedroom, basement, etc. is coming up with new ways and places to store all these things.
Jamison over at Rogue Engineer has some great plans for an easy to build, personalized kids toy chest. Call it whatever you’d like – toy chest / hope chest / storage chest – this is a very functional design and a great weekend (or two) project, especially for any folks new to DIY.
Carson and I had a blast building this toy chest (aka ‘Treasure Chest’ if you ask Carson) earlier this year. We added a few extras like the cedar planks on the inside, and burned our names underneath the lid. This was a fun project to work on together, and it will be with Carson for a lifetime!

The dimensions of the chest are 48″ wide x 22″ tall x 22-1/2″ deep. Yeah, it’s big. 🙂

There are all sorts of way to personalize this project…in addition to the name on on the front of the chest, I inscribed our names underneath the lid using a wood burner.

Using a pocket hole jig keeps everything looking clean on the outside.

Carson testing it out for size.

This kid never wanted to get out of the chest! Good chance to get some drill practice in too!

I used this pack of cedar planks from Home Depot. One box was the perfect amount of this project.

The plans over at Rogue Engineer have refer to an online shop that makes all sorts of vinyl lettering for an affordable price.

Carson tested and approved!
I hope you enjoyed checking out some shots of this build! We’re in the middle of a couple of projects right right now, but are shooting to get a new video out soon showing how to make DIY Growth Chart using a wood burner. Make sure to subscribe to our updates (by scrolling down) and be the first to see when new plans are posted!